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326 Woodland Street
Holliston, MA, 01746
United States


Providing custom printed, engraved name badges, signs, awards, plaques and promotional items.


Promotional Products for Company & Employee Recognition

Philip Reeves

Recognition Center Inc. has you covered

Company recognition is essential for building a strong and engaged workforce. When employees feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to be productive and loyal.

One effective way to recognize employees is to give them promotional products. Promotional products are tangible items that are branded with a company's logo or message. They can be given to employees as gifts, rewards, or incentives.

Promotional products are a great way to recognize employees because they are:

  • Useful: Employees are more likely to appreciate and use promotional products that are useful. For example, a promotional pen or mug is something that employees can use on a daily basis.

  • Memorable: Promotional products can be a lasting reminder of an employee's accomplishments. For example, a promotional award plaque or trophy is something that employees can display in their office or home.

  • Affordable: Promotional products can be a very affordable way to recognize employees. There are a wide variety of promotional products available to fit all budgets.

Recognition Center Inc. is a leading distributor of promotional products for company and employee recognition. We offer a wide variety of products to choose from, including:

Glass Recognition Award
  • Awards and trophies

  • Gift baskets

  • Branded apparel

  • Tech accessories

  • Custom Logo Products

Here are some tips for using promotional products effectively for company recognition:

  • Target the right audience: Choose promotional products that are relevant to your employees' interests. For example, if you have a team of young professionals, you might want to give out promotional tech accessories. If you have a team of experienced workers, you might want to give out promotional gift baskets or branded apparel.

  • Present your products in a thoughtful way: Don't just hand out promotional products to your employees. Instead, present them in a thoughtful way. For example, you can write a personalized note to each employee or present the products at a company event.

  • Follow up: After you have given promotional products to your employees, follow up with them to see how they are liking the products and if they have any questions about your brand. This will help you to build relationships with your employees and show them that you appreciate them.

If you are looking for promotional products to recognize your employees, visit our LOGOMALL website to view thousands of available customizable products, or simply just give us a call! We offer a wide variety of high-quality products to choose from, and we can customize your products with your company's logo and message. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.


An alternative to traditional branded apparel. From an unlikely source.

Philip Reeves

Across all industries we have seen disruptions to supply chains. The custom wearable apparel industry has not been immune, as for months now we have seen apparel from overseas sitting on freight containers. Finding comparable brands or colors can be difficult as there are really only a handful of importers of blank wearables into the US. As we all know, uniformity and company branding among staff is key in many retail and hospitality environments. If dealing with supply chain issues wasn’t enough, prices are also on the rise. With labor shortages and wage increases, costs of screen printing and embroidery have skyrocketed.

Luckily, we have found an alternative.

This alternative has been name badges. Available in endless colors and sizes, companies can achieve their uniform branding goals in a much more efficient manner. At a fraction of the cost of embroidered or screen printed apparel, name badges can have full color logos printed and names engraved. Name badges are returning to be a staple of the retail/hospitality uniform.

We here at Recognition Center have been producing high quality name badges for over 30 years. Over the past year and a half we have seen an increase in name badge sales, while seeing a decrease in our screen printing and embroidery sales. We believe this trend will continue. As employee turnover rates are high, and companies look to ways to “cut back” — switching to name badges is an easy choice.

If you would like more information regarding custom printed and engraved name badges, please visit our website at or email Phil Reeves or Diane Brownlee at We work with any size organization to help achieve their branding goals.